Statement of the Board of Directors, 13 December 2018

Dear Anthropology Community

As said in our statement of 14 November 2018, we are in the process of bringing about several radical changes to the Society for Ethnographic Theory and HAU Journal and HAU Books.

To bring these changes into effect, the Society has adopted new bylaws which can be found on our website. Chief among these is the clear separation between the editorial and executive function in the Society.

The position of Editor-in-Chief has been abolished. HAU Journal and HAU Books will now be run by separate respective editorial collectives comprising of 2-5 members. We hereby also announce a call for editors for both these collectives, starting with HAU Journal. 

The Board unsuspended Giovanni da Col on 11 November 2018. Da Col has since tendered his resignation as Director of the Society, with effect from 29 November, and as Editor-in-Chief, with effect from 15 December 2018, which the board accepted. To help with the transition and to ensure the publishing schedule does not fall behind, da Col will work as part of the HAU Journal and Books editorial collectives, but no later than June 2019 for HAU Journal.

 The Society is firmly committed to the idea that access to knowledge and publishing quality must be achieved by mediating gratuity with sustainability. Each journal issue will be available to download for free for one month after release and be Green Open Access (in compliance of the UKRI requisites for REF submission). Each issue will also include up to 5 Gold Open Access articles, which the Society would like to dedicate to indigenous authors or scholars from the Global South. HAU Books remains committed to offer anthropology monographs fully Open Access  (CC-BY, CC-BY ND NC).

We would like to take this opportunity to reassure the community that we are committed to remaining at the forefront of anthropological scholarship. To do this, we need your support, which we sincerely hope will be forthcoming.


Kriti Kapila (Chair), Niloofar Haeri, John Borneman, Anne-Christine Taylor

(Board of Directors, Society for Ethnographic Theory)

13 December 2018